Stop wasting time.

Wasting Time vs. Living Intentionally

It’s a beautiful Saturday morning as I sit here on the farm, listening to the birds twitter and chirp.  The kids are peacefully sleeping in after spending 12 hours in the car yesterday driving home from vacation.  We’re all a little worn out from our road trip, myself included.  It’s tempting to waste away this beautiful morning scrolling through social media, flipping through channels, or finding some other mind-numbing, time-wasting activity.

But not me, not today.

My biggest fear in life is to have regrets – to let time slip through my fingers – to not fully engage in life.  

Well, I guess that means that I’m done wasting time.  I have so many dreams, hopes, goals, plans, and wild-ass ideas that will just wither and die if I don’t take action.  There are too many possibilities and potential inside all of us to just let life pass us by.  Ain’t nobody got time for that!

live with purpose, stop wasting time
I will live my life with intention.

I am done living life by default.  Instead, I will live my life by design.  I don’t want life to happen to me – I want to make an impact on those around me, and maybe even beyond that. After all, one light, correctly focused, can shine a long way out into the world!  I am committed to making positive changes in myself and to explore all the wonderfulness of this world.

And I can’t do that by spending a perfect Saturday morning wasting the precious gift of time.

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