An Open Letter to Those Overwhelmed at the Thought of Getting Healthier

Hello, Love,

We’ve all been in a spot where we know we have room to improve on our health.  I’ve been in that seemingly endless dark hole of knowing I had to do SOMETHING but having no idea where to start.

My heart hurts for everyone who is in that dark spot right now.

Trust me, I feel you. I’ve felt the darkness surround me. I’ve been the one silently screaming inside while maintaining my mask and saying over and over and over, “I’m fine, just a little tired.”

It’s ok to admit you’re not fine. It’s ok to NOT be ok sometimes. Just don’t unpack and live there.

For me, that deep dark spot was a year ago. I needed to do something. I needed to improve my health, for my sake and my family’s. I had the picture in my head of what I wanted my healthy life to look like. (Insert mental images of Lulu Lemon-clad yoga sessions, 5K finish lines, family hikes, meditation, and endless mounds of organic, clean, mostly vegetarian foods. Ya, all of that.) Well, I felt so trapped in that deep, dark hole that I had absolutely no freakin’ idea of how to take a single step towards getting healthier. Clean, organic eating? Great idea, but there were times that the thought of what to make for supper had tears in my eyes because I couldn’t possibly make a decision AND I was exhausted AND when was the last time I had even been to the grocery store? And an exercise schedule? Fugetaboutit! I couldn’t maintain the basics of sleeping, working, and eating so how was I going to be active 3 times a week? In other words, I thought I knew what I should be doing, but it just seemed so far out of reach – unattainable and impossible.

Any of that sound familiar?

I’m not complaining. I’m not trying to say I had it worse, so it should be easy for anyone else. Um, nope, not by a long shot. My point is that YOU’RE. NOT. ALONE. And you don’t have to do this alone. It’s way too easy in our social-media laden, Pinterest-loving society to think that everyone else has their ducks in a row while we are falling apart.

So, you feel like crap? Or know you could feel so much better? But you have no idea how to start? First, drink a glass of water. Then, start talking, or texting, or Snapchatting, whatever. Life isn’t meant to be lived alone. Reach out to me, I’ll listen. I’ll love, support, encourage, and maybe kick your butt a little if you need it.

The most important things I want you to know are that you don’t have to do it alone and that you don’t have to do it all at once. My journey towards McUnhealthy Land took quite a while. And my journey out of that swamp will take awhile, too. It’s great to have amazing, rock-star goals, but it’s just an important to just start with a single step. Everyone’s first step will look different, and that’s ok. That’s where I’m here to support you, with finding that first step. It’s there, right in front of you. I promise. And if you don’t believe in yourself enough to take that first step on your own, hold my hand borrow some of MY belief in you.

I’m ready. I’m reaching out my hand to you so we can walk a journey towards a happier, healthier life together. Will you grab on?

With all my love,

TamiTamis Travels Health


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