Life is in the details

Life is in the details.  It’s those small moments that add up to be the sum of one’s life.  For me, life is that sweet smile and loving hug from my son before he heads out into the big world for a day of school.


It’s tucking my sick daughter up in bed with a kiss on the forehead and praying for to to get better.  Life is a friendly comment on social media when someone is being raw and vulnerable.  Life is seeing the beauty in a sunrise.

Super Moon Sunrise Camp Ripley Tamistravels

It is appreciating when a friend does amazing things for our community and surprising them with some fabulous coffee.  Life is noticing the diverse beauty in a handful of sand.

Beach life Sand details Costa Rica tamistravels

Life happens in small moments. When we are too “busy” to appreciate those tiny things we realize that life is whirling past us and suddenly we’re 5 years older and we don’t know how that happened or what we’ve accomplished.  That’s when despair, anxiety, self-doubt, hopelessness and hatred creep in.

tamistravels selfie

Sometimes I am criticized for being too wrapped up in the little details and miss the big picture.  I’m criticized for not living up to my potential or to committing fully.  I guess there’s some truth in all of that.  But, for me, the Big Picture is noticing the small details and feeling the moment and being grateful for every second of it.

That is my truth.

ornamentscropped details Christmas tamistravels

May the details bring you joy and blessing this holiday season and beyond.

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