An Intentional Living Approach to Holiday Gift Giving

Christmas gift

November is here and that means that people all over are busy preparing for Christmas and other gift-giving holidays.  Before you start making your Black Friday game plan I’d like you to think about some things.

WHO is on your gift-giving list?

Seriosuly, WRITE THE LIST.  Not in your head.  Put it on paper, create a spreadsheet, add a note on your phone.  Whatever.  Put it down somewhere so you can SEE it.  Being intentional with this list will help prevent the last minute, “CRAP!  I forgot to get something for ________” and then grabbing the first thing you can with no real thought.

Just write the list.

WHY are they on your list? or WHY are you giving them a gift?

Take a moment to think about it.  Why did you put someone on your list?  Did you put them there because you feel obligated to give them a gift? Are you giving a gift to make yourself feel good?  Are you giving a gift to show you appreciate what this person has done for you, your community, or the world?  Are you giving a gift to win the recipient’s affection?  Maybe the holidays have become too stressful and you are disenchanted with the gift giving.  Then it’s time to shake things up and try something different!

WHAT do you know about them?  I mean really, really know about them?

Do they crave alone time since they rarely have that chance?  Are they dying to spend more time with their loved ones?  Do they have a hobby that they never quite carve out the time to enjoy?  Do they have a budding interest in something?  Are finances standing in the way of purchasing something they truly want?  What do you know about their personal goals and priorities?

HOW can you bless them this season?

What makes them truly happy?  How can you give them more of that?
What causes stress in their life?  How can you help to reduce that?
How can you improve the quality of their life?

I know that I cannot speak for everyone, but I’ve noticed that most people seem to really want only a few things:  time, togetherness, and happiness.  So before buying that gift ask if it will really allow them to have more free time, make them genuinely happy, or help them develop a stronger relationship in their life.

Personally, I love receiving gifts that create time and memories with those in my life; I prefer experiences to things.  Maybe you know someone like that in your life.  Or, maybe its worth trying something new this year to prevent your Scrooge side from popping up this holiday season.

Here are some ideas to help get you started thinking about intentional gift giving that is clutter-free and focused on experiences rather than stuff:

Gifts for the traveler:

  • Do you know where their next trip will be?  How can you add to it?
  • Gift Cards – Visa, Gas Station, Airfare, Favorite hotel chain, or AirBnB
  • Journal
  • SD card for digital camera
  • Shutterfly gift cards
  • External battery packs
  • Photography lessons
  • Language lessons
  • National or state park passes
  • Do you have access to their photos?  Order canvas prints of some of their favorite travel shots
  • Audible membership

Gifts for young explorers

  • Summer camps (sports, religion, science, language)
  • iTunes or Amazon gift cards
  • National Geographic for Kids magazine subscription
  • Passes for skiing, tubing, or snow boarding
  • Plan a day or weekend of activities with them.  Maybe get creative and make a treasure map or have them figure out clues.
  • Travel car games
  • Swimming lessons
  • Junior Explorers Subscription box
  • Laser tag, ziplining or water park passes
  • Binoculars, field journal, and field guides
  • Trip to a history museum, especially when they have kid-friendly events
  • Books you can read aloud together
  • Time – Spend TIME with them doing something you can both enjoy!

Gifts for the local explorers and staycationers

  • Memberships to zoos, museums, state parks
  • Restaurant gift certificates
  • Gas cards
  • Plays, concerts, sporting events
  • Create a paper or digital calendar of local events and happenings.  Be creative and think outside the box, but remember what you know this person enjoys.
  • Travel the world without leaving home through a food subscription box: wonder
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