Our 15 year journey

15 years ago we said “I do.”  We were young and we had no idea what we were doing, but at least we didn’t know that we had no idea what we were doing.

Wedding photo - Tami's Travels
Our journey begins

And it’s been the most amazing journey ever.  We didn’t have a map or a tour guide or an app.  But we’ve had a lot of divine intervention serving as our GPS, or God Positioning Service.  There have been more times than I can count where He’s given us the “recalculating route” message because we’ve strayed too far off our path.  We’ve broken down along the way.  We’ve ran out of gas.  Sometimes we’ve found ourselves in a strange land where we don’t understand the language, or each other. But even when half a world has separated us physically, we relied on each other’s strength to get us through.  We’ve learned. We’ve persevered.  We’ve climbed up out of the valleys.  We’ve done things people said would be impossible. We’ve experienced miracles and met amazing people.  We’ve even built our own tribe.  We’ve definitely collected our share of souvenirs and memories.  We’ve had a remarkable journey so far and have seen more than seven wonders.   I know I am a better person because I have my husband by my side and I can’t even begin to properly express my gratitude.

I don’t know what territories we will explore next, but I know that it will be a beautiful ride.

Best Trip Ever
I’ll go anywhere with you.

And I can’t think of a better person to share the journey of life with.

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  1. Happy anniversary! I’m enjoying the blog, it helps me feel like I’m less of s homebody and living vicariously through your travels.?

    1. Lana, thanks for the comment. I’m so happy to hear that I can bring a little travel into your life. Part of what I really want is to inspire people to view travel differently and know that they can explore from anywhere in their own way.

  2. Beautiful! So happy for the 15 years you have spent together and wish a life time of happiness. 🙂

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